


21 Jule, 2023


From 30 June to 21 July, within the framework of the Final Pre-Deployment Meeting Zone of the UNFICYP Peace Mission, the training of our Blue Helmets that deployed to the Republic of Cyprus was carried out in CAECOPAZ. The purpose of this stage of training and enlistment has been for the members of the Argentine Task Force 62 (FTA 62) / UNFLIGHT 60 to comply with the military aspects of the mandate in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the Department of Peace Operations ( DPO) and the Department of Field Support (DFS); to perform military skills in an efficient, professional and integrated manner and to show the core values and competencies of the United Nations. The final exercise for FTA 62 / UNFLIGHT 60 was carried out in the last stage. The verification platoons were coordinated by the exercise director, Major Juan José CAÑIZARES of the Department of Education and Doctrine. In turn, the instructors from the said department were in charge of each platoon located far and wide Campo de Mayo. Within the framework of a hypothetical Peace Mission, where the following verification squads were established, the training included: incidents in the buffer zone such as the intrusion of civilians (eg: hunters, refugees/displaced people, demonstrators); overmanning and move-forward by one of the belligerent sides. Platoons of Emergency Response Plan, Action against minefields and crowd control, among others, were also carried out. The activities in the final verification exercise in the field consisted of putting into practice and applying all the knowledge acquired in the instructions received. In this way, the Blue Helmets had to solve different troublesome situations, similar to those that arise in UNFICYP.

11 Jule, 2023

Visit of Ms. Mira K. Resnick, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs of the United States of America

On 11 July, 2023, CAECOPAZ was pleased to receive the visit of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Regional Security in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs of the U.S., Ms. Mira K. Resnick. To begin with, the national anthems of Argentina and the United States were performed during a parade held to welcome Ms. Resnick. Afterwards, a presentation was made to Ms. Resnick and her team about the activities carried out by the Center. Then, there was a show on the training ground of of the activities of our Argentinian Task Force (ATF) 62 / UNFLIGHT 60 recently deployed to the Republic of Cyprus. We appreciate Ms. Mira Resnick and her team for selecting our center for their visit and for showing interest in what we do at our Peacekeeping Training Center.

06 Jule, 2023


On 6 July, a ceremony was held to commemorate the twenty-eighth ¨ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARGENTINE JOINT TRAINING CENTRE FOR PEACE OPERATIONS¨. At the same time, farewell was given to the 1st flight of the 62 Argentine Task Force (FTA 62, acronym in Spanish) and the 60 Argentine Air Unit (60 UNFLIGHT) that will soon deploy to the Peace keeping Mission in the Republic of Cyprus. The Argentine Minister of Defence; Lic. Jorge TAIANA and the Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Juan Martín PALEO chaired the ceremony. They were accompanied by authorities from the Argentine Ministry of Defence, representatives of the three-Armed Forces, foreign military attachés, and special guests. Afterwards the Director of the centre; Colonel Pablo Alberto FILIPPINI, took the floor and tribute was paid to the 27 Argentines who died in the line of duty in Peace Operations. Next, the civilian personnel who have enjoyed the retirement benefit during the current year were bestowed with their own files. Subsequently, in accordance with the provisions of resolution 72/03 of the Joint Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, the Joint Special Aptitude of Instructor in Peacekeeping Operations, was conferred to the personnel who were worthy of it. The Minister of Defence and the Brigadier General Operational Commander Jorge Fabián BERREDO greeted the representatives of the group of the 1st flight of 62 task force / 60 UNFLIGHT. Then, Mr. Jorge TAIANA spoke, highlighting the importance of the mission of the Blue Helmets who will represent the country in a Military Operation under United Nations standards and stressing Argentina's commitment to Peace and International Security. It should be noted that the contingent received instruction from the staff of the centre and was finally validated on a final exercise to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their stay in CAECOPAZ. To conclude, a parade took place.

04 Jule, 2023


On 4 July, the Director Colonel Pablo Alberto FILIPPINI together with CAECOPAZ authorities, were pleased to receive the visit of students belonging to the ¨USA KIMBERLY GREEN LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN CENTRE¨ of the Florida International University. To begin with, a parade was held and the national anthem and the United States Anthem were sung. In commemoration of a new anniversary of the Independence Day of the United States of America, Colonel Pablo Alberto FILIPPINI addressed those gathered there and made reference to the historic event. Subsequently, the visit was received by the Deputy Director; Commodore Javier CHIAPPAI and Mag. Ana TALAMONI who made a presentation regarding the activities in CAECOPAZ. Finally, a tour of the facilities of the Education and Doctrine department was carried out. They visited the demining track of the centre, where a simulation of evacuation of wounded casualties was carried out.

03 Jule, 2023

Commissioning of the Chief of the 62 Argentine Task Force

On 3 July, the commissioning ceremony for the Chief of the 62 Argentine Task Force (FTA 62, acronym in Spanish!) was held at the parade grounds in CAECOPAZ. It was chaired by the Operational Commander of the Armed Forces; Brigadier General Jorge Fabián BERREDO, who greeted the troops. Afterwards, the Ministerial Resolution and military career CV of the Head, Lieutenant Colonel Marcelo Martín LOPEZ ROMERO, was read. Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Marcelo Martín LOPEZ ROMERO swore an Oath of Fidelity and Respect to the National Constitution. He will serve in his position in the UNFICYP Peace Mission, in the Republic of Cyprus for a period of three hundred and eighty days. Then, the new chief of the 62 task force, asked the contingent to repeat the formula of "Subordination and Courage to defend the Homeland." Next, the Operational Commander; Brigadier General Jorge Fabían BERREDO, took the floor. We congratulate the new Chief of the 62 Argentine Task Force, wishing him the greatest success in his mission. In turn, we appreciate the participation of the Military Band of the Directorate of Operational Education (DEOP, acronym in Spanish).

02 June, 2023


From 6 TO 23 June, the Course "UN TRAINING ASSISTANTS (ROLE PLAYING) IN THE FRAMEWORK OF PEACE OPERATIONS", combining classes on site and online, aimed at Reserve personnel took place in CAECOPAZ. It was in charge of Captain Gustavo Cattaneo. The main purpose is to provide basic knowledge and tools related to UN training in regard to the use of role playing (role simulation) in the framework of training carried out in the centre with military personnel who will be deployed in United Nations Peacekeeping Missions. On the other hand, it provides concepts about Peace Operations, about the actors involved, as well as, basic notions about the pre-deployment training system for a peacekeeping mission. The instructors from the centre as well as invited instructors gave instructions such as: Introduction and Principles of United Nations Peacekeeping; General concepts of Protection of Civilians (POC); Civil-Military Coordination (CIMIC); Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR); Human Rights (DDHH); (Conflict-Related Sexual Violence) VSRC; Security Measures and Counterintelligence Security; preparation, constituent elements of Role Playing and Acting Techniques; Recreation of characters; most common incidents in the UNFICYP area; Caranna and Sudistan baseline scenario; preparation and simulation of wounded among others. At the same time, two training tracks were created so that simulations were based on the different role-playing patterns according to the hypothetical missions proposed in the different exercises that are carried out in CAECOPAZ, in order to train the personnel that will be deployed in different Peace Missions.

02 June, 2023

Peacekeeper and Argentine Army anniversary parade

On 2 June a parade took place in CAECOPAZ to celebrate the Day of the Peacekeeper and the day of Argentine Army.At the beginning of the ceremony, the National Anthem was sung and afterwards, Corporal Betsabe Condorí read the order of the day. Immediately after, the General Secretary of the centre, First Lieutenant Estefanía Alvarenga, read the military message from the chief of Staff of the Army on the occasion of having commemorated on 29 May the Day of the Argentine Army. Next, BA Marina Cascales did the same with the message from the Secretary General of the United Nations in reference to the peacekeeper International Day: ¨The forces of peacekeeping help humanity, that is why we always have to support and recognize them. Then, the Director of the centre, Colonel Pablo Alberto Filippini, gave farewell and a floral offering to the civil agent Emiliana Carvallo for her 38 years of service at CAECOPAZ. After that, the military chaplain, Priest Bernardo Conte Grand, said some prayers and Colonel Pablo Alberto Filippini referred to the importance of the values of the Argentine Army as well as of the Peacekeeper, whose actions are reflected in their tasks. In turn, he praised with kind words, the professionalism and dedication of AC Emiliana Carvallo who retired after having been part of the centre staff since its establishment.

30 May, 2023

¨General Rafael Reyes Prieto¨ War College, Colombia

On 30 May, CAECOPAZ received the visit of the General Rafael Reyes Prieto War College from the Republic of Colombia within the framework of the 2023 Staff Course. The students were welcomed by the director, Colonel Pablo Alberto Fillipini, and authorities of the Centre. Afterwards, they did a tour of the facilities. We appreciate the concern and the interest shown in the activities that are developed in the Argentine Centre for Joint Training in the framework of Peacekeeping Operations.

24 May, 2023

Driving training session ¨Introduction to evasive and defensive driving¨

On Monday, 22 May and Tuesday, 23 May the Driving training day ¨Introduction to evasive and defensive driving¨ in the framework of peace operations was carried out in CAECOPAZ The purpose of the mentioned above was to supplement the management skills for military personnel belonging to different units. It had the cooperation of Mr. Fabian Cuello, representative of SCFC consulting –Security & Risk control.

24 May, 2023


From 8 to 24 May, the UNSOC Course (United Nations Staff Officer Course) was held at CAECOPAZ. The purpose of the above is to increase understanding and promote the development of theoretical-practical skills necessary for all personnel who must comply as Staff Officer in the framework of Peacekeeping Operations in which participates the Argentine Republic. The course was intended for military personnel who will deploy and will be appointed to General Staff postings in a Peacekeeping Operation. By the end of the training, an activity under the coordination of the head of the course; Mayor Juan José Cañizares, was done to put into practise a scenario. The students as a team had to analyse the different incidents raised in the context of a hypothetical Peace Mission at the General Staff level, in order to identify what is the best possible course of action to deal with the humanitarian crisis in question. The United Nations Staff Officers course is imperative for the pre-deployment training of the Argentine detachment. Staff officers must be appropriately prepared following the standards set by the Integrated Training Service of the UN Department of Peace Operations in order to accomplish the mission successfully.

27 April, 2023


From 17 to 27 April the Staff and Leaders Course of the Argentine Task Force 62 (FTA 62) and Argentine Air Unit 60 (UNFLIGHT 60) was held in CAECOPAZ. It is aimed to personnel that will serve in positions of Staff and military observers as part of the Argentine Contingent by the COFFAA directive. They will deploy to the Peacekeeping Mission in the Republic of Cyprus, UNFICYP. The personnel of the FTA 62 / UNFLIGHT 60 has represented Argentina and the Armed Forces in Cyprus within the framework of the United Nations since 1993, a Peace Mission that dates back to 1964. It is worth mentioning that the course represents the beginning of the preparation of the Argentine Contingent in CAECOPAZ within its pre-deployment stage. Lt Cl Pablo Duartez Uribe from the Argentine Air Force and Captain Henrique Lima Guedes from Brazil were in charge. Within the agenda of activities, the following instructions were given: ¨Respect for diversity¨, ¨Relation with the Media¨, ¨Detection and recognition of incidents / Preparation of reports and reports¨, ¨Civil-military coordination (CIMIC)¨, ¨Military Physical Training¨, ¨UNFICYP and history of the conflict¨, ¨Stress Management¨, ¨Conduct and Discipline¨ and ¨Operation with aircraft / MEDEVAC / CASEVAC¨ among others. As follows, instructors and trained personnel will continue training the rest of the Argentine contingent in the Intermediate Assembly Zone in the 25th Mechanized Infantry Regiment stationed in the Sarmiento army unit , Province of Chubut.

19 April, 2023

Visit of Italian army personnel belonging to the "Post Conflict Operations Study Centre"

On 19 April, we received a visit from the Italian army personnel belonging to the "Post Conflict Operations Study Centre" in CAECOPAZ, Colonel Antonio del Gaudio, Professor of the Centre Lieutenant Colonel Gilberto Gagnone and the Italian Defence Attaché, Colonel Andrea Monti. The authorities were received and welcomed by the Director of the Center, Colonel Pablo Alberto Filippini. Immediately afterwards, the welcome ceremony began with the military band belonging to the Directorate of Operational Education (DEOP), who interpreted the Argentine National Anthem and the Italian National Anthem. They continued with a tour of the Education and Doctrine Department, where they had the opportunity to witness some practical instruction activities in the field, such as action against mines and classroom activities developed within the framework of the "Course for Staff and Leaders FTA 62 and UNFLIGHT 60”. We are thankful for the visit of such distinguished authorities to the Centre.

13 April, 2023


On Thursday, 13 April, CAECOPAZ received the visit of Mr. Marjan Sarec, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, together with personnel from the Ministry of Defence of that country. The authorities were received by the Director of the Centre, Colonel Pablo Alberto Filippini who welcomed them. Immediately afterwards, the welcoming ceremony began. The military band "Ituzaingó" of the Artillery Regiment I "Brigadier General Tomás de Iriarte" played the Argentine National Anthem and the National Anthem of Slovenia. As follows, they did a tour of the Education and Doctrine Department, where they had the opportunity to participate in some training activities in the field, such as ¨Action Against Mines¨. We are grateful to the visit of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Marjan Sarec. We hope that he was able to witness the work in the centre and also pleased with it.

03 April, 2023


From 27 March to 31 March, the 26th edition of the HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING FOR JOURNALISTS COURSE (C-142) was carried out at the facilities of the Argentine Joint Training Centre for Peace Operations (CAECOPAZ). Its main goal is to provide the participants with basic theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to work in conflict and post-conflict zones. During the development of the course, the necessary tools and survival training are provided to participants so that they will be able to cope with a hostile situation that will allow them to be safe in a dangerous environment while doing their task. The course was aimed at press workers and technical personnel from civil, military and police communication media. It had a face-to-face modality where activities were carried out throughout the week taking into account all the necessary security measures, for both the participants and the instructors and logistical support staff. Within the training activities, the following instructions were given: United Nations Peacekeeping Operations; Negotiation; International human right; Dealing with the Media in the context of Peace Operations; Writing news; Working in hostile areas and Post Traumatic Stress. Theoretical-practical lessons related to Displacement in Urban Environments were given as well as the Introduction to Operations in Chemical-Bacteriological-Nuclear (QBN) environments; First Aid in the field; Stress management; Filming in Risk Situations; Operation with Aircraft; Land Navigation and Survival Instruction among others. We highlight that the course had the participation of guest speakers such as Carolina Amoroso and Fernando Ortega Zabala; highly appreciated in the area of journalism as war correspondents. The "Journalists in Hostile Zones 2023" course concluded with a ceremony, presided over by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Operational Command, Navy Commodore Leonardo Natán Gómez and the Director of the centre, Colonel Pablo Alberto Filippini together with the Deputy Director Commodore Javier Chiappai and the head of the Department of Education and Doctrine and head of course; Lieutenant Colonel Cesar Amadeo Fragni. Finally, 28 students from all over the country and abroad received their certificates.

november 26th, 2022


From Tuesday, 22 November to Friday, 25 November, the XIV Annual General Assembly of the Latin American Association of Training Centres for Peace Operations (ALCOPAZ) was held at the facilities of the Argentine Joint Training Centre for Peace Operations ( CAECOPAZ). It is worth mentioning that this year, Argentina, by means of CAECOPAZ, was once again in charge of the presidency of ALCOPAZ, as it did in 2009, which is consisted of government institutions and related organizations representing different States dedicated to the training of members of the Armed Forces, Security Forces and civilian personnel. ALCOPAZ presidency was exercised by the President Pro Tempore, Brigadier General Jorge Berredo, his secretary being Colonel Pablo Filippini, Director of CAECOPAZ. The opening ceremony was presided over by ALCOPAZ Secretary Pro Tempore, and on behalf of the president, Rear Admiral Marcelo Alejandro Dalle Nogare, who both welcomed the participants. To refer to the beginnings of the Association, Colonel (R) Raúl BERTOIA, former Director of CAECOPAZ, and first Secretary of ALCOPAZ in 2009, spoke to the audience. During the whole week, representatives from Germany, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States, France, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay worked together to promote greater efficiency and effectiveness in the training of the personnel deployed to perform functions in Peacekeeping Operations, under the mandate of the United Nations. This year the main topic was ALCOPAZ regional course: “Environmental management in complex peace operations”. The aim is to understand how climate change affects the security and peace context in peacekeeping missions, identify climate-related security risks and assess the scale of their impact. Major Colonel (R) Adalberto Zucherino, Brigadier General (R) Nestor D`Ambra and Dr. Diaz Rivera from the National Ministry of Environment addressed on the subject.. The closing ceremony of the XIV general assembly was presided over by the Operational Commander and President of ALCOPAZ, Brigadier General Jorge Fabián Berredo. Military attachés from friendly countries, the Secretary of International Operations of Brazil, Brigadier Álvaro Marcelo Freixo, the commander of the B.A. Military Garrison Brigadier General Julio César Berden, Mr. Diego Rafael Mazzacone, Mr. Juan Estanislao Lopez Chorne, former Directors of CAECOPAZ, and representatives of ALCOPAZ participated in the conference. To conclude, the position of the presidency of ALCOPAZ was signed by both the outgoing president Brigadier General Jorge Fabián Berredo and the incoming president of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Brigadier Álvaro Marcelo Freixo. The latter committed himself to the association that has already completed 15 years at the service of peace. At the same time, ALCOPAZ awards were delivered to those who were worthy of them.